Monday, July 18, 2011

Glasgow Scottie Band

The middle of July and my schedule returns. My son started band today. Not a big deal except it means I have to build my schedule around his drop off and pickup times. It's just like school has started but with one big exception - no bus.

School dictates when I wake up and when I must be home to welcome him back each day. This doesn't take me out of the house since the bus picks him up and drops him off at the end of our driveway. The band on the other hand, requires me to drive him. This takes about ten minutes. The bad part it also requires me to pick him up. This also takes ten minutes. The bad part is; Mr. Bonds, the Glasgow High School band director, doesn't ever finish on time. He has an odd idea about his band getting it right before they leave. This is one reason they are state champs but it does take a big bite out of my evening.

This is something I really hate during band camp but really love when they are kicking butt in Cardinal Stadium during state competitions.

I guess I can live with two weeks of inconvenience if it means Bonds, and his defending AA state champions, are  ready for the season.

Although I am expecting, with almost his whole championship band returning, for Mr. Bonds to inconvenience me again when I have to schedule a trip to Louisville to watch them challenge for another title.

I think I can find the time!

Friday, July 15, 2011


Gondoliers may be the best restaurant in Glasgow.  I have now tried almost every menu item and I am willing to try the rest in the name of research. The menu is predominantly Italian but they also have many, many other things.

Everything from chicken wings to cheeseburgers and fries. If you haven't tried them you are missing something good.

Fox in Glasgow, KY

Red Fox in Glasgow, KY
I saw a fox in my backyard.

Last week I happen to be looking out into my backyard and saw two foxes run into the yard. They stopped suddenly and backed into the neighbor's yard. I think they may have smelled my dogs and were afraid my over sized Boxers would use them as a chew toy.

I went and grabbed my new Fuji camera with it's 24X zoom and tried it out. Unfortunately one fox was already back into the dense trees but I got a pretty good picture of this one before he too ran back into the woods.

Believe it or not I live within the city limits.