Monday, August 25, 2008

Glasgow Kentucky Walmart

Walmart has been at the new location for more than a year. Not long after they opened they changed the first register on the food side from an express lane to unlimited.

Don't you think it is about time they put a conveyor belt system there. I know they can afford the upgrade. I am tired of stacking groceries on the little refrigerator then handing them, one by one, to the cashier. Also you can't put anything frozen on the refrigerator or it will melt.

Sure I could go to another lane...IF THEY HAD ONE OPEN!!! I go in there and all they have is lane one, check yourself and express. I wouldn't mind checking myself if I got a discount for working. Why should I do the work and pay full price?

Mr Korte please for the love of Glasgow buy a conveyor!

Is it too much to ask?

If you don't want to or corporate won't let you - hire more cashiers and open more lanes.

As long as I am on the Walmart theme;

Why is it I go in there at 5:30 PM and there is no fried chicken available? I ask if they are making more and they always seem so surprised someone in Kentucky would want fried chicken at that time of day. So I always get the "it'll be about 45 minutes" I can buy a raw chicken and cook it myself in 45 minutes.

Walmart listen up.......have fried chicken available at Supper time and they will come. I promise you!

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