Tuesday, January 29, 2008

McDonalds in Glasgow, KY

I went into the McDonald's in Glasgow last night and had dinner. I ordered a Big Mac fries and a Diet Coke. My wife ordered a Quarter Pounder fries and Diet Coke and my youngest son had a Mighty Happy meal or some such a thing with a double cheeseburger, fries and a sprite.

My Big Mac was fresh hot and unlike most McDonald's Restaurants didn't have the appearance that it had been stepped on. The fries were hot and salted the way I like them. The drink I poured myself so it was perfect.

My wife said her Quarter Pounder was "good" and fries needed more salt but I suspect our fries were salted the same.

My son mostly played with the toy until his food was cold then gobbled down the double cheeseburger threw away the fries and took the Sprite with him.

Overall I would say the food was excellent.
The service was friendly and not hurried.
The counter area was cluttered but the dining room was clean and the rest rooms weren't dirty.

As far as fast food goes The Glasgow McDonald's is certainly above most.

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