Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Glasgow Kentucky McDonalds favorite

Fall is coming fast and I like it.
My grass doesn't grow as fast.
My air conditioner doesn't run as often.
My gas bill is still weeks away from it's Winter peak.

It's a good time to live in Glasgow Kentucky.

Sure there are other things that make Glasgow a good place to live. Low crime rate, low housing costs just to name a couple.

One of the other things I like about Glasgow is the McDonalds. I have lived all over the country and I have never seen a McDonalds like the one on 31E. The food is the same. The service is similar to other McDonalds. The building is standard.

The thing that sets our McDonalds apart are the people who hang out there on Fridays and Saturdays. Like most fast food they have their share of young adults and teenagers frequenting the restaurant. It's not them that I speak.

I am talking about the guys in their late twenties, thirties and I am afraid maybe even forties who hang out in the parking lot. One weekend they even had lawn chairs. Last weekend they had coolers with soft drinks.

Can you imagine?

Adults so cheap, they bring their own drinks, to use a business's parking lot for their meeting of town losers.

You may ask.... why I like this?

I like it for a simple reason. No matter how bad my week has been. Flat tires, broken lawn mowers, appliances quit working, whatever, I can drive by Glasgow McDonald at 10 PM on a Friday night and know my life isn't too bad.

I see grown men, standing around pickup trucks, drinking from cans kept cool in an ice chests, while they hoot and holler at 16 year old girls driving by.

In other words - the biggest losers you can imagine.

I know when I see this, my life is pretty good by comparison.

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