Monday, December 22, 2008

Coltons Steakhouse where do I begin?

My youngest son, my wife and I thought we would eat at Coltons Steakhouse Saturday night. Apparently we were wrong.

My son ate dinner. My wife and I ate salads. A diet you ask?

NO! I respond.

We arrived at 6:15. They were very busy including a bus of volleyball players. They said the wait would be 25 minutes. They were right.

We were led through the bar to a table in the back. It was near a TV, so I was happy. Nice TV by the way.

We were given menus and our server was over fairly quickly. We knew what we wanted so when she asked for our drink orders we gave her our dinner wants too. This seemed to fluster her a little bit but she got over it.

My son ordered sirloin tips with french fries and a root beer. My wife ordered a 12 ounce prime rib with sweet potato and a garden salad with ranch dressing. I also ordered a 12 ounce prime rib but I wanted a loaded baked potato and a salad with 1000 Island dressing.

Our son's root beer appeared quickly brought by a male employee and our drinks were soon delivered by our server.

Our salads were brought out by our server. Two minutes later our dinners were set on the table. We mentioned we just got our salads and the guy that had the ribs and tips explained to us about the cooking procedures of a prime rib and why we should expect our salads and prime ribs at the same time.

I was happy to be informed, by the 2o year old, how a prime rib is prepared, since I have been cooking them longer than he has been alive. I still don't understand why they couldn't of waited to slice our pieces until we were done with out salads.

Then the fun began.

My prime rib looked like it had been sliced with a dull axe. So I asked to see the manager. By the time he came to our table my wife now had cut into hers and it was well done.

I asked the manager if he would be happy being served my piece and he said, "no". Then my wife told him hers was supposed to be medium rare, what did he think. He said it looked more done than that (paraphrasing). He offered to bring out two new pieces.

We asked, if they would be medium rare? He said this time of night everything is more well done. It was not yet 7 PM!

I know we live in a nice quiet town but that was ridiculous. You would of thought we ordered at midnight the way he talked.

We decided we didn't want well done prime rib so we decided on two 12 ounce sir loin steaks - medium rare.

Our son ate his dinner. He drank another root beer. He ordered desert. He ate half his desert.

Then our steaks arrived. Twenty five minutes later!

Needless to say they were NOT medium rare. My wife's was medium well and mine was well done. I have seen cinder blocks with more moisture than my sir loin.

I simply asked for the check. the server went to get it after apologizing. She came back and said there was no check.

I applaud the decision not to charge us for the meal but it was the managers responsilbity to deliver the news. He left the server to handle a situation which was not her fault in the slightest.

Things happen in restaurants, especially on busy nights. We understand. We have owned restaurants, we have managed restaurants. We like to eat in restaurants.

There is NO excuse for the manager not coming to our table when things were that bad.

We were there 90 minutes in total and never ate dinner.

We went across the street to McDonalds. My southern style chicken sandwich was fantastic. My fries were good. My caramel latte...perfect. If you haven't tried the new coffees, you need to.

My wife's quarter pounder with cheese was good, her fries were OK, her diet coke was cold.

Our son said he was full.

Next time I guess we will skip Coltons and go straight for the golden arches. It may not be prime rib but it was cooked well and the service was friendly.

That's all I really ask.

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