Monday, February 16, 2009

Dominoes Pizza Sunday night

Dominoes Pizza was having a nightmare last night. It was unbelievably busy. They were running out of ingredients. They were short staffed.

We ordered three pizzas, two sandwiches and wings. When we got there they weren't ready. We were greeted politely and they apologized. No big deal. It's pizza, not exactly a life and death situation. While we were waiting two employees and the manager were working as fast and as hard as they possibly could. When we first arrived it was four employees but two quit while we were waiting.

I don't care the circumstances, that was a pretty crappy thing to do to your fellow employees.

We waited a few minutes - not a real long time. While we were there a customer came in, identifying himself as "De Haas". He, just as we were, was greeted and apologized to, he was told it would be another ten minutes for his pizza.

You would of thought by his reaction he was told his pants were on fire. He took his pizza being late as a travesty. He proceeded to tell off the manager (the mgr never took the bait and just kept being polite). He also stated he was "a retail manager". I guess in his mind that made him an expert on pizza cooking.

I really wish I would of asked him what "retail" he manages so I could encourage everyone to boycott where such a rude person works. Also he used the word "dude" and I have a strict policy against giving business to any establishment where adults use the word "dude". If anyone knows where "De Haas' works please write and let me know.

The only good thing about the De Haas episode was when he said he was going to go to Pizza Hut. I have been to Pizza Hut. De Haas and they deserve each other!

I do want to mention, if late pizza is a real big deal in your life, you have a pretty good life. People all over our country and our planet, are worried about eating anything and people are throwing fits over late pizza?

They should be ashamed!

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