Sunday, February 10, 2008

Mike Huckabee the Hypocrite

Mike Huckabee is a hypocrite.

Today I watched Mike Huckabee as he pontificated about man's laws and the ten commandments. His claim is “There are only ten basic laws that we need. If you think about it, the Ten Commandments cover it all.” . He went on to say "The reason law gets more complicated is because we try to figure out clever ways around those ten,”.

Interesting thoughts.

I don't mind a guy taking his religious beliefs seriously. I don't mind him passing them on to interested listeners. What I do mind is a politician who is full of crap.

Mike I have read the Commandments and I would like to point out one in particular "'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." I also remember the longer, fuller version. It says you shouldn't work. It says your man servant shouldn't work. It says your maid servant shouldn't work. It even goes as far in some versions to say your ox and your ass shouldn't work.

So Mike, how many staffers did you require on this trip? How many Secret Service were required to work because you chose Sunday to speak? When you get down to it, isn't your job making speeches in support of your run for the Presidency?

You Sir, in front of the whole nation, broke the fourth (in my church) Commandment.

You worked on the Sabbath.

You made it required that man servants and maid servants worked.

I am not sure about oxen but I have heard some of your staffers and yes you made asses work too.

The only conclusion I can draw from your actions are;
You are one of those people that try clever ways to get around the Ten Commandments.

Shame on you Mike Huckabee!

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