Friday, July 16, 2010

Red Hats and rude manners

I recently was in a Bowling Green restaurant when my meal was rudely interrupted by other patrons about six tables away from me. Their loud rude behavior was something I would expect at McDonalds on a Friday night by teenagers with raging hormones. This was not McDonald's nor teenagers. It was a chapter of the Red Hat Society.

The Red Hats are a female club whose average age is some where in the neighborhood of 423 years. I suspect it's their ancient age which makes them believe it's okay to be so loud no other diner in the restaurant can have a conversation.

They already are easily spotted as attention wh@res as they walk in to an establishment wearing huge red hats and bright purple dresses. I guess after seeing these aged disruptors of dinner in their eye torture wear I shouldn't of been surprised they also were going to try to draw as much attention as possible by speaking in a voice loud enough to be used as a tornado warning siren.

At first I just though they all were deaf as doors but when the manager meekly mentioned other customers were complaining (not and another guest were more in favor of tar and feathers) in not much more than a whisper and was immediately assaulted vocally with shrieking indignation that customers 17 tables away didn't need to know the names of their grandchildren's dog - Spencer if you are curious, it was apparent these obnoxious old bats could hear cake being cut four miles away.

It was at this moment that I asked for our check and left to seek a restaurant with less noise. Of course that left all options open including Chuck E. Cheese.

We settled on Toots. If you have been to Toots you now realize we don't expect to eat in The Cone of Silence. We just don't expect our ear drums to be shattered by the rude noise of women way too old to know better.

In fact I imagine these women were taught manners by Emily Post herself and she's been gone for fifty years!

In Summary; Toots wings ....still awesome! Toot's service very friendly. Try the fried pickles. First time customers get a sample for free.

Unnamed restaurant (because it wasn't their fault) great drinks.....if the Red Hat Society crows aren't perched in there next time we will review the food.

Suggestion; If you see wrinkled old bats in purple dresses and red hats steer clear or wear ear plugs. Real big ear plugs!

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